PES2021 BAL Career Editor v1.1
بيس 2021 برنامج تعديل كن اسطورة
يمكنك من خلال برنامج تعديل اللاعبين في كن اسطورة على زيادة طاقات لاعبك وتغير اسم اللاعب ومهاراته وستايل اللعب ومركز لعبه وحالته وطوله ووزنه.
PES2021 BAL Career Editor 1.1 New Features
- Player ID (no face added in test)
- Commenatary
- Weak Foot Usage
- Weak Foot Accuracy
- Stronger Foot
- Playable Positions
- Player Skills
- COM Playing Styles
- Position indicator
- Tool settings
- Reload file
- Nationality
- Set Maximum & Minimum values
- Set maximum Player Position
PES2021 BAL Career Editor 1.1 Fix Notes
-Minimum and maximum value problem is fixed.
-Decrypter And Encrypter problem is fixed.
-Fixed Typo
-Decrypter21.exe And Encrypter21.exe is fixed
Program Properties:
- Player name
- Player skills
- Game style
- Registered position
- Condition
- Weight and height
Important notes:
1. Always make a backup of your file.
2. I use the obfuscator tool to protect the program code against thief, so your virus programs detect false positives with this problem ..
3. Run the program as an administrator.
Supported platforms and game:
1. PC only
2. EFootball PES 2021 Season Update
- installed .NET Framework (at least version 4.0)
How to use PES 2021 BAL Career Editor:
1. open bal file [BLxxxxxxxx] from "KONAMI-eFootball PES 2021 SEASON" UPDATE-yourID-save
2. make the edit you want
3. press apply changes button
4. press save button and done
Download BAL Career Editor
Last update: 25.may.2021
الروابط - Links
Author: By Devil Cold52
Thank you: Zlac (Decrypter21 & Encrypter21)