PES 2019 Smoke Patch v4 Season 2021-2022

بيس 2019 باتش 2022 سموك v4

نقدم لكم باتش سموك الاصدار الرابع لبيس 2019 للموسم الجديد 2021-2022، تم اضافة الكثير من الاندية والمنتخبات الي اللعبة، ويحتوي على احدث انتقالات اللاعبين والمدربين وتحديث اعدادت الفرق، تحديث جميع اطقم الاندية المنتخبات، اضافة احذية وكرات جديدة ، ومزيد من التفاصيل والروابط تجدها بالاسفل.

PES 2019 Smoke Patch v4 Season 2021-2022

SmokePatch19 v4 (for PES19 PC)
version 19.4.0 (all in one) (15.Nov.2021)
update 19.4.2 (19.Feb.2022) is available

PES2019 SmokePatch19 v19.4.0

Release Notes:
sp19 v4 is converted from the new season patch sp21 v4, some features might defer and had to be adapted depending on the game, see details below.

* Do not continue FL modes started with last season's patch. (more notes in the description)
* SmokePatch does not include any real faces. (available as optional addon)
* Remove the old v3 CL kitserver. (more addons details in the description)

please read and follow the install instruction and notes carefully.

PES 2019 Smoke Patch 2022 - General Features

  • compatible with all PES 2019 game versions
  • ready for season 21/22
  • adds a lot of clubs and national teams to the game
  • all teams, leagues, and players have real names and logos
  • correct teams settings like managers, stadium name, and rivalries
  • all teams have real kits, many of them are updated
  • no duplicated teams or players
  • applies smokepatch graphics like scoreboards, audiovisual, and backgrounds.
  • adds many boots and balls and formation pictures and many more

PES 2019 Smoke Patch update 19.4.1

  • multiple corrections in the database
  • fixed bug with world selection players in the master league mode
  • fixed issue where some users cannot run sider with SP19
  • updated more kits and fixed reported white kits
  • other updates and fixes

PES 2019 Smoke Patch update 19.4.2 is available

  • updated major winter transfers (+3000 transfers)
  • updated player stats (Konami new stats)
  • added more youth players
  • updated and fixed more kits
  • graphic updates (emblems, flags, ...)
  • includes the previous updates
* no relegation/promotion for the new season of some leagues, will be upgraded in later versions to preserve current master league modes.

SmokePatch19 v4 Installation

1- Extract the installer files
2- Run (smokepatch19.4.0.exe)
3- Copy the Edit file

طريقة تركيب سموك باتش 2022 لبيس 2019

1. استخرج جميع ملفات الباتش
2. شغل ملف (smokepatch19.4.0.exe)
3. انسخ ملف edit

- the installer will upgrade any existing smokepatch version installed previously
- changing the patch files or adding other mods is at your own risk.
- this patch is tested on the full original game version
- this patch does not include the game, we assume that you have bought and installed it.

Download Smoke Patch 2022 for PES 2019

Full version 19.4.0
All in one (2.5GB) #23-11-2021
تحميل الباتش كامل الاصدار v19.4.0 حجمه 2.5 جيجا مقسم على ثلاثة اجزاء مرفوع على موقع ميديا فاير
update 19.4.2 for v4
التحديث v19.4.2
File size: 164.45MB
لتحميل اضافات الباتش مهمة
باك اوجه للباتش (الباتش من غير اوجه لتقليل الحجم) للتحميل من هنا => SmokePatch Mega Face Pack

credits: PES Smoke Team



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    صلاح بدر12 مارس 2022 في 10:24 م

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        كورة ناو19 يونيو 2022 في 7:17 م

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