احدث باك كرات 2022 لبيس 2021
PES 2021 Ball Server Pack v15 AIO
Ball Server Pack Vol:15 AIO for PES 2021 Features
- 490+ Quality balls available for selection in the BallServer Sider Overlay Menu
- Balls auto linked to over 30+ competitions via map_competitions.txt
- Also works with PES 2020
شرح تركيب باك سيرفر كرات 2021 يحتوي 490 كرة لبيس 21
- قم بتحميل الملف واستخرجه بواسطة WinRar
- قم بتحميل السايدر ان لم يكن عندك من هنا : https://bit.ly/30FotRm
- قم بتحميل CommonLib.lua v1.0 ان لم يكن عندك من هنا : http://bit.ly/2EOzXqt
- قم بتحميل سيرفر الكرات ان لم يكن عندك من هنا : http://bit.ly/2ml9JWA
- بعد التثبيت قم بنسخ فولدر content الي فولدر السايدر ولو كان عندك اي باك كرات قديم احذفه
- قم بفتح sider.ini file وضوع هذه الجملة في الاخر lua.module = "BallServer.lua" ان لم تكن مثبته
How To PES 2021 Ball Server Pack by Hawke Vol.15 Install:
1. Download and install Ball Server by zlac;
2. If not already done, download and install CommonLib by zlac;
3. Once BallServer & CommonLib are installed copy the “content” folder from the BallServer Pack Vol-13 AIO.RAR archive to your Sider folder. Delete any other ball packs first; this is an AIO pack.
NOTE: Don’t try to mix ball packs or you will face problems/errors..either use this one or choose another one…you can of course add your own balls after installing this pack.
PES 2021 New Ballserver Pack Vol:15 Update
New Updated Balls in this update
Ballserver Pack Vol:15 Update Installation:
1. First you MUST install BallServer pack Vol: 15 AIO from above
2. Once BallServer pack Vol: 15 AIO is installed , download this update & copy the “content” folder from the BallServer Pack Vol-15 UPDATE.RAR archive to your Sider folder, overwrite any files when asked to do so.
Download Ball Server Pack V15 AIO for PES 2021
رابط تحميل احدث باك كرات v15 لبيس 21 بحجم 462 ميجا
v15 AIO Link: mediafire
رابط تحميل التحديث بحجم 20 ميجا
v15 update Link: mediafire
zlac - BallServer Module
juce – nesa24 - Sider
All balls made by Hawke except the balls listed below
Angelj107 - Umbro Prodige Coupe De France model - T90 models + Normals - Massive help with fmdl to blender (Thanks Mate)
-cRoNoS- – Danyy – ppaaggpp - 2017 balls (Thanks for allowing me to convert them)
endo - PES2015-16-17 PS4 Models (Thanks Mate)
Txak - Puma La Liga Ball
Tiitoo - CAF Umbro Neo Pro Ball
josemiguel_miuccio - Fevernova & Roteiro Models
shawminator - CGPE
NFS_FM - Fifa Models (Thanks Mate)
Konami + FIFA