eFootball 2023 Most Realistic Gameplay Mod

Here The BROMI Human Gameplay V9bNS Mod eFootball PES 2023, It's the Most Realistic and Balanced Gameplay Mod, you can use the mod at superstar level to reduced CPU cheating and reduced frustration, Released 07 Sep.2022.

eFootball 2023 Most Realistic Gameplay Mod

eFootball 2023 BROMI Human Gameplay

Version 9bNS Changelog:
1. restored normal shot speed and power (I have a personal one with more control over shooting if someone wants to try it)
2. passing speed reduced but smoother; as a result, you will get:
- slower pace
- more midfield build-up
- CPU will now commit more mistakes when passing, and will not retain ball tiki-taka like in their own defensive zone
- easier to intercept CPU passing; pressing is now effective even at the superstar level
- more control over passing
3. changed players' balance, as a result, you will have:
- more control over the ball when dribbling
- better shielding
- agile, small sized skilled players will be slightly more resistant to contact
- more fouls
4. reduced CPU crazy pressing
- the game will feel smoother, more realistic, and less pumped up
- less CPU cheating
- you can think!
- Skilled players can now turn, build up, retain possession and move the ball without 3/4 crazy robots running against you (it's soccer not American football)
- You have time to shoot from center zones! Now you can build up in the middle too, no need for always using the sidelines

Tutorial - الشرح

1st make a backup of your "dt270_console_all.cpk" file at 
"Steam-steamapps-common-eFootball-cpk" folder
2nd Extract and copy the New "dt270_console_all.cpk" file 
to "Steam-steamapps-common-eFootball-cpk" folder

اولا خذ نسخة احتياطية من الملف "dt270_console_all.cpk"
 الذي في مجلد "Steam-steamapps-common-eFootball-cpk"
ثانيا استخرج وانسخ الملف "dt270_console_all.cpk" الجديد الى نفس المجلد في المسار السابق

التحميل - Download

رابط تحميل مود جيم بلاي واقعي للعبة اي فوتبول 2023، مرفوع على موقع ميديافاير
eFootball 2023 BROMI Human Gameplay Mod Link
password: bromiv9bNS
File size: 72.53KB

Credits: gameplay made by BROMI, in-game screenshot by AnthoPag



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